Is work done via video chat or over the phone
as effective as when done in-person?
Yes! Some of the most powerful healing work done in the world is done at a distance through a video chat platform. Modern technology gives you the gift of choosing the right practitioner for you, regardless of location, and allows you to experience deep, transformational healing from the comfort of your own home. Clients who have received energy work, hypnotherapy, and guidance/coaching through Zoom or on a phone call feel just as connected and cared for as if they were physically present with the practitioner or coach.
What platforms do you use for distance sessions?
My preferred platform is via Phone or Zoom, but Skype, GoogleHangouts, Microsoft Teams, and Facetime may also be available.
What are the benefits of doing sessions remotely?
As effective as in-person work
Choosing the right practitioner for you, regardless of geography
Ability to continue your healing process even while traveling or after relocation
No travel time
Privacy for high-profile clients or sensitive matters
Flexibility accommodates individuals with busy schedules
Relaxing in your own environment
The phrase "your hugs are more energizing than a 16 oz cup of coffee" makes me think of my work with Emily. I've worked with her in person and via Skype, and I can tell you that her love, sparkle, and healing energy, can transcend even a 3,000 mile distance.
Last time we spoke, I was exhausted from my own mental and physical heaviness. After our session, I was easily able to meet the rest of my day with grace and efficiency!